Take a moment each day to be grateful.
Law Of Abundance In Action
To be able to grasp this ever producing, unlimited principle, let's stop and take a look at something as obvious as a blade of grass. Although it's life cycle only consists of approximately 5-6 months in many regions, a single blade continually produces hundreds of additional seeds of offspring. It, like everything in creation begins as a seed. It is enabled to sprout with the abundant supply of sunshine, and water provided to it. As it grows and matures it begins to produce additional seeds, hundreds of them, and the cycle continues season after season, year after year, century after century. This clearly illustrates the Law Of Abundance in action.
Look at the birds that you see on a day to day basis. The resources they utilize to build their nests is always in plentiful supply. When they become hungry there is always food for them to eat. The skies that they inhabit have an abundant supply of whatever it takes for them to achieve flight. This is the Law Of Abundance in action.
Go out to a remote area in nature sometime and see the acres and acres of trees and vegetation. Watch closely and you'll see squirrels playing and jumping from tree to tree in playful fun. Look closely into the layers of leaves and twigs laying on the ground, and watch as an abundant amount of life dwells below. This is the Law Of Abundance in action
Find an apple tree and observe the abundance of apples hanging from the branches and the more than enough surplus that have fallen to the ground to be enjoyed by the many creatures that dwell below. This is The Law Of Abundance in action.
Look into any lake, stream or pond and observe the abundance of life that dwells within it. This is the incredible, ceaseless, and never ending Law Of Abundance in action.
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